Published On :  
October 4, 2024
New Options available for work and Holiday Visa (Subclass 462)

New Options available for work and Holiday Visa (Subclass 462)

The Australian government has announced a new visa pre-application process on 1 October 2024 & this process commonly referred to as a "Visa ballot," for high-demand Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa applications from China, Vietnam, and India. This system aims to create a fair, simplified, and transparent method for selecting applicants where demand significantly exceeds the number of available spots. The “Visa ballot” is an electronic random selection process, where selected individual applicants are invited to apply for the Work and Holiday visa online. The registration fee for this Visa ballot process is AUD$ 25. The introduction of this system will take place in the 2024-25 program year, applying only to first-time applicants from the specified countries.

Important Note: Current visa holders or those who have already been granted a Work and Holiday visa (Subclass 462) from China, Vietnam, or India can continue to apply for a second or third visa online through Immi Account. The existing arrangements for applicants from other participating countries will remain unchanged.

Source: News page (

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